The Emmettes have arrived!! Emmy delivered 6 healthy and happy babies the other day. This was her first litter, and since it had been 2 years since our last one, Ruby's wine litter, we were very nervous as to how it would go. Well, Emmy is a trooper and a half, all 6 babies were free whelped in 4 hours and 50 minutes, and the breakout is 2 black and white girls, 2 blue merle girls, and 2 blue merle boys. The runt was 10.3 ounces and the largest pup, the last to be delivered, was 13.2 ounces. All are eating well, and weights are steady to increasing, with two already putting on a half ounce or more in the first 24 hours. Holy cow are they vocal (very clear growls and barks) and ACTIVE!! Emmy is having a hard time corralling them in one place at times. Two have already taken little puppy spins around the whelping box, and God forbid one gets stepped on by a sibling when bellying up to the mom-bar...what a racket!!!! BARK BARK!!! Get off my head!!! LOL!! And poor Emmy just lays her head down, closes her eyes and deals with it. What a super mom!!!We're still working on names, but we have themed the litter. Since mom is Ch Camelot's Maiden Voyage, and dad is Ch Camelot's Oh Captain My Captain, we decided to theme the litter....PIRATES!!! Yup, Emmy already celebrates "Talk like a Pirate Day" most of the year as it is, with her speaking with an "ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" most of the time, so this was a perfect fit. So, if you have a suggestion, please post in the comments. The hard part is not reusing a name that another Cardi already has...And now, here are the 6, basking in all their post meal glory: