Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wine Litter Turns One Year Old

That's right, the "Wine Litter" turns 1 today! Cristal and Merlot are "aging well" and coming right along in the show ring. Lucy (aka Shiraz), Zen (aka Zin), Porter (aka Port), and Kiki (aka Chianti) are currently charming the socks off their owners and owning the couches in their respective homes.

It's hard to believe that they are one year old already. It seems like just yesterday they looked like this:


Dawn said...

Sometimes the time just goes way too fast, doesn't it! Happy birthday puppers!

manymuddypaws said...

we want grown up pictures!!!

Cindy said...

Little Shit, uh, Wish Jr, er uh, what the heck is her name today, oh yeah-- Merlot sends birthday greetings to her siblings, 'specally the blue heifer-heehee. I'll try to get a current photo of the black blur when she's not muddy or slimed by Eddie or in deep doodoo somewhere in the house. Having a sip of wine tonight in their honor!

Kathy and Kim Gibson said...

Oh my goodness! Birthday greetings to the whole darn gang! Wow a year old already. Hope there is pork cakes and beef punch for each tonight!

Sherilyn said...

Yes, hard to believe it was a year ago these kids were born! I think I agree with Cindy...wine tonight is a MUST! ;)