Shooter was content to roam the back yard and take in all of the good "city smells". Moose and Merlot came through the door like they've lived here for years, instead of being frequent visitors. Moose planted himself on the couch after a brief "hello" with his best buddy Boo. Merlot was promptly pounced upon by Chianti and Cristal and the frap was on!! All of the other dogs frantically scrambled to get out of their way as they rolled, chased and nipped each other, and anyone else who got in their way (mostly Bear).
By the time the girls got their running out of the way, they were a little winded and actually stopped long enough to compare the length of their tongues. We're not sure who they decided had the longer tongue, but we'll let you, our faithful readers, vote. So, here they are...from left to right: Chianti, Cristal, Merlot

My money is on Merlot
Probably because Frank and Torch try to pull it out of her mouth when she's busy barking!! hehe ;)
Merlot looks the longest to me :-)
ROFL laughing! The thought of Frank and Torch yanking on LS tongue--oh too priceless!
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