Yes, she has been a godsend to us for getting so much done around the house. She has a laundry list a mile long of things she wants to do. Oh, and she said that she would hire out IF...the price is right ;o) (You will have to ask her what her price is hehe)
We went to the Seward, NE show the weekend after Nationals, and were awarded with a Winner's Dog on Ransom, 2 Best of Breed wins with Phantom, 2 cuts in the group and a Group 4, and Cristal was RWB both days.
Oh...and as far as Ransom goes, the little goofball stubbed his toe pretty bad on the Tuesday before the Seward show. It was bad enough that we made a trip to the vet to make sure nothing was broken, and he was placed on Rimadyl. We promised the vet that if he was still gimpy by Saturday we wouldn't show him. Well, that wasn't the issue. By Saturday, he moved fine...the problem was with the Rimadyl...seems it really got him stoned. LOL We had him off the Rimadyl by Friday morning but he was still feeling the effects all weekend. Those who know him best can honestly vouch for the fact that he is a TOTAL cookie monster....hungry is a permanent mindset for this dog. Well, when he was "under the influence" I waved garlic roasted chicken, steak, and even his favorite snickerdoodles under his nose and got NO reaction. THEN, to top it all off....he fell asleep in the Best of Breed ring on Sunday!!! Yes, he made it through the classes and was wiped out by breed. I take him in the ring, and he stacks himself beautifully, and as I'm looking at what the judge is doing, I hear this little nasally snore. I look down and there he is...on his feet, hasn't moved a muscle, eyes closed and snoring. Greeeeeeeeeeeeat....my dog just fell asleep on the judge. Oh well, we took our single point and went home, but he was the laughing stock of the Pem entry that day.
Oh and let's see...we also went to Kim and Kathy's wedding and spent the night at Foggy Bottom. We were helping dog wrangle Shaker and Music. Okay, so wrangling Music wasn't an issue, but keeping Shaker quiet and occupied was interesting to say the least. He was a good boy, but just decided he had to put in his two cents worth during the ceremony...okay so it was more like 5 bucks, but who was counting? ;o) He even got to help "give away" his moms. The pastor asked him if he was giving them away and he looked at him, barked once, and then turned around and walked away without a backward glance. Absolutely priceless.
We then spent the night with the Foggy Bottom crew and had a wonderful Sunday morning. All 8 of our kids got to run on the farm, and we about came home two dogs short. It seems that Emmy decided that she needed to stay behind and keep Meredith in line, and rid the world of all of those evil birds, and went to the door of the house with her instead of to the truck to come home. Needless to say, she had to be CARRIED to the truck. She wasn't happy. Oh, and Meredith also took a shine to Cristal and Cristal to Meredith, and Bekka had to do some seriously fast talking to get Meredith to give up the lead. It seems a swap with Alec's dog wasn't part of the deal.
Now we're back to showing again...off to Rock Island this weekend and then Gardner, KS next weekend. Hopefully we'll come home with two new champions, as Frick and Frack both need one major to finish.