In a previous post, I mentioned that these little buggers are quite active, and love to roam the puppy box. The Warden Mother (Ruby) keeps a pretty close eye on her flock and alerts the perimeter guards (us) when things are even remotely out of the ordinary. Well, the little ones took their roaming to a whole new level. We had our first jailbreak. It looks like Cristal and her accomplice, Port, were trying to make a run for it. Port later got "cold feet" and backed out in favor of a warm corner and soft blanket. Thank goodness the Warden Mother was on the job and immediately alerted perimeter security.
The security cameras caught the whole episode. Here's the evidence:

The next frame showed the capture and return to solitary. Cristal was not a happy camper, but she has no business meeting the characters in general population yet. If she's this onery now, what's going to happen when she meets Frick and Frack?!?!?!
You guys are in trouble now!
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